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Be part of the solution

To reach the goals set by the Paris Agreement to limit global warming to 1.5°C, carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions need to reach Net Zero by 2050. It is a daunting task but it remains the single most important component of the green transition across all companies and industries. To do this, we must both minimise emissions-release by decarbonising the economy and enhance carbon removal from the atmosphere.

At LEIFF, we believe natural climate solutions offer a powerful set of tools for carbon removal and play a crucial role on the pathway to Net Zero. These solutions are cost-effective and readily scalable.

LEIFF designs and operates commercial nature-based projects to deliver the highest quality carbon credits while benefitting people and our planet.

See the forest for the trees

To forge a low carbon and climate resilient future, we need to halt deforestation and restore degraded forest landscapes. This accounts for over 30% of the climate mitigation potential needed to keep global warming to less than 2°C by 2030.

Trees, when established, will continue growing and sequestering carbon for decades to come. They absorb CO2 from the atmosphere and store it in living plants, organic matter and soils.

But this has to be the right tree in the right place. Diverse forests that regenerate naturally have higher carbon sequestration rates and store more carbon. These forest landscapes are more resilient to climate extremes and disease, improve soil health, clean our air and water, and restore habitats.

LEIFF projects are designed with ecological and social integrity to deliver positive impact. These projects enhance local livelihoods, improve food security and boost biodiversity to deliver on the UN Sustainable Development Goals.